Swap your deposited ?
How to Exchange Your Deposited Funds on Bitcoin Black
Last updated
How to Exchange Your Deposited Funds on Bitcoin Black
Last updated
Step 1: Access the Exchange Page
First, go to the exchange page by clicking here: https://bitcoin-black.net/user/swap
Step 2: Choose the Currency You Want to Swap
After entering the page, you will see a list of available cryptocurrencies. You can select the cryptocurrency you wish to exchange by clicking on it. This will open a dropdown menu where you can choose the specific currency you want to swap from.
Step 3: Initiate a Swap to a Different Currency
If you wish to exchange your Bitcoin Black coins for a different cryptocurrency, you can do so by clicking on the "Swap" icon as shown in the image. Afterward, you can proceed to exchange your Bitcoin Black coins for the desired cryptocurrency.
Step 4: Initiate the Swap
To proceed with the exchange, you can enter the amount you want to swap in the designated field.