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To add the Bitcoin Black cryptocurrency to your MetaMask wallet, follow these steps:
Open your MetaMask wallet in your browser extension. Click on the MetaMask icon located in the browser's toolbar.
Once you have MetaMask open, click on the browser icon at the bottom, as shown in the image.
In the browser tab, enter the following URL:
After accessing the URL, make sure you have selected the BNB (Binance Smart Chain) network instead of the ETH (Ethereum) network, as indicated in the image. To switch to the BNB network, simply click on the icon marked in the picture.
Also, click on "Add Network" to change the network.
Choose "BNB Smart Chain" and click on "Add," as illustrated in the image.
The final step is to add the cryptocurrency to your wallet. Click on the MetaMask icon in your browser, as shown in the picture.
After clicking the MetaMask icon, a window will appear for our cryptocurrency. Simply click on "ADD TOKEN."
You'll receive a notification confirming the addition to your wallet. You can now see the cryptocurrency in your MetaMask wallet.
Now, as you can see, the cryptocurrency has appeared in your wallet. You can use your wallet address to receive funds from our website.